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Statistical Yearbook
Expenditure of the Public Sector, Real Economic Distribution
Income of the Public Sector, Real Economic Distribution
Expenditure of the Public Sector, Functional Distribution
Expenses and Income, Public Administration and Service
Expenses and Income, Public Administration and Service in 2009
Customs and Consumption Taxes
Imports of the Most Important Goods Subject to Duty
Municipal Taxation
Municipal Accounts
Municipal Accounts in 2009
Income and Expenses of the Exchequer
Assets and Liabilities of the Exchequer
Budgets of the Government of Greenland
Net State Expenditure Concerning Greenland
Income Transfers to Households
Financing of the Public Expenditure
Block Grant From the Government of Greenland to the Municipalities
Expenditure of the Public Sector, Real Economic Distribution
Expenditure of the Public Sector, Real Economic Distribution
Income of the Public Sector, Real Economic Distribution
Income of the Public Sector, Real Economic Distribution
Expenditure of the Public Sector, Functional Distribution
Expenditure of the Public Sector, Functional Distribution
Expenses and Income, Public Administration and Service
Expenses and Income, Public Administration and Service
Expenses and Income, Public Administration and Service in 2009
Expenses and Income, Public Administration and Service in 2009
Customs and Consumption Taxes
Customs and Consumption Taxes
Imports of the Most Important Goods Subject to Duty
Imports of the Most Important Goods Subject to Duty
Municipal Taxation
Municipal Taxation
Municipal Accounts
Municipal Accounts
Municipal Accounts in 2009
Municipal Accounts in 2009
Income and Expenses of the Exchequer
Income and Expenses of the Exchequer
Assets and Liabilities of the Exchequer
Assets and Liabilities of the Exchequer
Budgets of the Government of Greenland
Budgets of the Government of Greenland
Net State Expenditure Concerning Greenland
Net State Expenditure Concerning Greenland
Income Transfers to Households
Income Transfers to Households
Financing of the Public Expenditure
Financing of the Public Expenditure
Block Grant From the Government of Greenland to the Municipalities
Block Grant From the Government of Greenland to the Municipalities
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