A large proportion of the Greenlandic labour market are public jobs in municipalities or the Government of Greenland. In towns, most people work as employees. In settlements, a large proportion are mainly huntsmen and fishermen. In general, the Greenlandic labour market follow the Scandinavian model, having employee- and employer organizations, wage agreements and an extensive legislation for worker protection, arbitration, vacation and workers compensation. Persons without Danish or Nordic citizenship need a residence and work permit.
The unemployed part of the work force has a high proportion of unskilled workers. Around 84 per cent have no education apart from primary school. For the highly educated, the unemployment rate is very low.
Another distinct feature in the Greenlandic labour market is a large seasonal variation in employment, due to the climate and the geographic dispersion, which limits mobility.
14. juni 2012 Unemployment in the Towns in May 2012 In the cities 2.898 persons where affected by unemployment in May 2012 increased by 210 persons May 2011. Læs artikel: her |
14. maj 2012 Unemployment in the Towns In the cities 3.274 persons where affected by unemployment in April 2012 increased by 431 persons April 2011. Læs artikel: her |
14. marts 2012 More Unemployment in the Towns In the cities 3.258 persons where affected by unemployment in February 2012 increased by 357 persons January 2011. Læs artikel: her |
Registered jobseekers by district and place of residencee (1989M01-2024M12) (ARELED1)
Registered jobseekers by gender, district and age (2010M01-2024M12) (ARELED1A)
Registered jobseekers by gender, place of residence and age (1996M01-2024M12) (ARELED2)
Registered jobseekers in localities (2010M01-2024M12) (ARELED2B)
Registered jobseekers by matchgroups (2015M01-2024M12) (ARELEDMA)
Number of month as a registered jobseeker by place of residence, gender, age (2010Q4-2024Q4) (ARELEDVAR)
Main employment for permanent residents by time, industry, gender, age, place of birth and place of residence (AREBFB01)
Main and secondary employment for permanent residents by time, industry, gender and age (AREBFB02)
Main employment for permanent residents by time, industry, municipalities and gender (AREBFB03)
Main employment and employment rate for permanent residents by time, municipality, place of residence, gender and age (AREBFB05)
Main employment for permanent residents by time, industry and nationality (AREBFB07)
Main employment for permanent residents by time, industry and education (AREBFB08)
Main employment for permanent residents by month and industry (AREBFB09)
Main employment for permanent residents by time, industry and limit for being employed (AREBFB10)
Unemployment and unemployment rate among permanent residents by time, district, place of residence, age and gender (ARELED3)
Unemployed permanent residents by time, place of residence, age, gender and number of months (ARELED5)
Unemployment among permanent residents by education (ARELED6)
Unemployed permanent residents by month, gender and district (ARELED8)