
National Accounts

National accounts provide an overall picture of Greenland’s economy. The National Accounts system is a set of definitions and classifications, without which it would not be possible to obtain an overview of the immense number of financial transactions, which take place in Greenland’s economy.

The key figures for the annual national accounts show the main results for Greenland´s economy. The balance of demand and supply shows the supply in the form of Greenlandic production (GDP), imports and demand in the form of household consumption, government consumption, gross investments and exports.

National accounts are compiled according to international guidelines, which make them comparable between countries.

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Tables in Statbank

National Accounts

Account 0: Goods and services (2003-2021) (NRE01)
Account 2.1.1: Generation of income (2003-2021) (NRE02)
Production (2003-2016) (NRE03)
Production (2003-2021) (NRE0318)
The gross value added (2003-2016) (NRE04)
The gross value added (2003-2021) (NRE0418)
Compensation of employees (2003-2016) (NRE05)
Compensation of employees (2003-2021) (NRE0518)
Gross operating surplus and mixed income (2003-2021) (NRE06)
Private consumption (2003-2021) (NRE07)
Government consumption (2003-2021) (NRE08)
Investments (2003-2021) (NRE09)
Trends in GDP (2003-2021) (NRE10)
Trends in supply balance (2003-2021) (NRE11)
Terms of trade (2003-2021) (NRE12)
Growth contribution to GDP (2003-2021) (NRE13)
Input-Output table 9x9 (NRE14)
Input-Output Table 34x34 (NRE15)
Individual consumption expenditure of households (NRE16)
NREBAL National accounts (million kr.) by accounts and time (NREBAL)

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National Accounts

Input-Output table

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National Accounts

Input-Output table

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