

In settlements, income level is considerably lower than in towns. However, the size of this difference depends on the municipality. The difference in average gross income between settlements and towns is most significant in Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq. Here, the average income of a Nuuk resident is more than twice the average income of a settlement resident.

In Greenland, income correlates with education level. When the level of education increases, the level of income increases as well.

Tables in Statbank

Personal income

Average personal income by municipalities (INEP1)
Average personal income by districts (INEP2)
Average personal income by localities (INEP3)
Decile distribution of personal income by municipalities (INEP4)
Decile distribution of personal income by districts (INEP5)
Number of persons in income intervals (INEP6)
Share of persons in income intervals (INEP7)
Average personal income by education (INEP8)
Development in real income by time and type of income (INEP9)
Income for persons (14 years +) by municipality and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI101)
Income for persons (14 years +) by district and type of income (2002-2023) em>[INEPI102]</em> (INEPI102)
Income for persons (14 years +) by locality and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI103)
Income for persons (14 years +) by level of education and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI104)
Income for persons (14 years +) by nationality and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI105)
Disposable income for persons (14 years +) by municipality (2002-2023) (INEPI201)
Total income, pre tax for persons (14 years +) by municipality and income interval (2002-2023) (INEPI301)
Total income, pre tax for persons (14 years +) by district and income interval (2002-2023) (INEPI302)
Total income, pre tax for persons (14 years +) by locality and income interval (2002-2023) (INEPI303)
Decile distribution of income for persons (14 years +) by municipality and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI401)
Decile distribution of income for persons (14 years +) by district and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI402)
Trends in the Palma ratio and the average equivalent disposable income, by deciles for the whole population (2002-2023) (INEPI403)
Real income for persons (14 years +) by type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI501)
Income for persons (14 years +) by income interval and type of income (2002-2023) (INEPI601)

Household income

Average household income by municipalities (INEH1)
Average household income by districts (INEH2)
Average household income by localities (INEH3)
Decile distribution of household income by municipalities (INEH4)
Decile distribution of household income by districts (INEH5)

Tax statistics

Aggregated taxable income and income taxes (INES1)
Total taxable income and income tax by tax municipality (1988-2022) (INESS101)

Income distribution

Income distribution (INEF1)

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