
About Statistics Greenland


Monday - Friday 9:00 to 15:00

Statistics Greenland

Sipisaq Avannarleq 1

P.O. Box 1025

DK-3900 Nuuk


Tel.: +299 34 57 70 or +299 34 50 00

E-mail: stat@stat.gl

Use and reuse of data

You are free to re-use and reproduce contents from dst.dk and https://bank.stat.gl. This includes even commercial use. You should, however, always include a source accreditation to Statistics Greenland.

Examples of correct source reference:


Source: Statistics Greenland - https://www.stat.gl/prices:


Source: Statistics Greenland – https://bank.stat.gl/beest1 (the code following https://bank.stat.gl/ indicates the specific table from which the figures are extracted.)

The source reference must, as far as possible, indicate/link to the place in question on www.stat.gl or the the database https://bank.stat.gl, where the figures can be viewed in their full context by the user.

You are welcome to reproduce our graphic figures or make your own graphic figures on the basis of our data. Statistics Greenland must also in this context be cited as source.

If you subject our data to further processing, this must be clearly stated. This can be done, e.g. by writing: ”Source” Own calculations based on data from Statistics Greenland.""

Links to our website: No permission is necessary to hyperlink to pages on our website.

News Service

An important task for Statistics Greenland is to disseminate statistics to the press. Statistics Greenland aims to keep the press informed about new studies, statistics, publications and services. This is achieved through Statistics Greenland press releases, newsletters and personal contact.

Have you as journalist questions about or need opinions from Statistics Greenland, e.g., in connection with the publication of statistics, you are always welcome to contact Chief Statistician, Anders Blaabjerg.

Legal Notices Statistics Greenland

Statistics Greenland does not have any financial responsibility for any damage or loss caused by errors in the published statistics.

By use of the Website your IP address is registered in logfiles. The information is used for simple usage statistics and can be used in a bug or for police investigation when attempting hacking or electronic vandalism.

No registered personal information will be transferred, sold or made available to third parties by Statistics Greenland. All information is stored safely and is accessible only to trusted employees of Statistics Greenland.

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  • About us
  • Statistical Act and guidelines

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    Contact us

    Statistical Act and guidelines

    Business plan

    Production plan

    Annual Report

    Press Releases

    For students

    Board and Management

    Greenland in Figures

    is a concise and clear introduction to Greenland. The leaflet is available in a handy pocket format and contains 40 pages of useful information on a wide range of areas such as population, foreign trade, tourism and social services.

    Do you want our newsletter by mail ?

    Greenland in Figures

    is a concise and clear introduction to Greenland. The leaflet is available in a handy pocket format and contains 40 pages of useful information on a wide range of areas such as population, foreign trade, tourism and social services.

    Do you want our newsletter by mail ?