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Ten years of primary and lower secondary education is mandatory in Greenland. Children start primary school at the year they turn six. Children from small settlements need to leave their home and move to the nearest town in order to attend 8-10 grade. After finishing elementary school, about half of the children do one year at a continuation school in Greenland or Denmark. Only 1 in 7 pupils proceed directly to upper secondary education.
Four towns have high schools, and most vocational educations are offered at ten main vocational colleges. The vocational educations alternate between theoretical classes and practical training in apprenticeships.
Greenlandic students start in high school at age 20 in average, while the average age for students starting a vocational education is 26 years.
Greenland´s University, Ilisimatusarfik, is located in the capital of Nuuk. It offers 11 bachelor programs and 3 master programs. Short-cycle higher educations are also offered at some vocational schools.
As only a few higher educations are offered in Greenland, around 30 per cent of the students study abroad, the majority study in Denmark. Education is free, and students receive a monthly student grant. Apprentices usually receive salary from the apprenticeship.